About us

Sekolah Buin Batu

Sometimes referred to as the "Jungle School"

Sekolah Buin Batu commenced operation in July, 2008 on the island of Sumbawa, Indonesia. The school specifically serves the dependants of employees and contractors of PT Aman Mineral Nusa Tenggara’s vast copper and gold mine here, known as the Batu Hijau Project.


We value inclusiveness, fostering a welcoming environment where every individual feels respected, supported, and celebrated.


We hold responsibility in high regard, promoting accountability, integrity, and proactive engagement in shaping a safe and nurturing learning environment for all.


We uphold respect as a cornerstone value, promoting empathy, understanding, and dignity in all interactions to cultivate a culture of inclusivity and belonging.


We embrace collaboration as a core principle, fostering teamwork, communication, and shared responsibility to cultivate a dynamic and supportive learning community where everyone thrives together.

Fostering global citizens by providing a quality and meaningful learning experience.

Meet Our Staff

We highly value collaboration and respect for each other. We aspire to be the best we can for our students and each other.

School Board Members

School board members are nominated by the Head of School and Chairperson of the Yayasan. The school board provides governance, strategic direction, and oversight to ensure the effective operation and advancement of the school in fulfilling its mission and serving its community.
Guiding Principles for the School Board

School board members are nominated by the Head of School and Chairperson of the Yayasan. Their tenure on the board is for one year and may be renewed each year.

The SBB board consists of:

  • Head of School – ex officio
  • 2 Ex-pat parents
  • 2 Indonesian parents
  • 1 Chairman of Yayasan
  • General Manager
  • AMNT representative
Schedule of Board Meetings

The School Board meets once per term and on a needs basis a special situation arises. (example COVID-19 response).

Guiding Principles for the School Board

The Board’s primary focus is student achievement and success. There will be a consistent effort to eliminate barriers to learning for all students through a comprehensive education program.

  • The Board will promote the shared responsibility of education with parents, community and students.
  • The Board will implement a technology supported educational program that promotes creativity, individualism and diversity.
  • The Board recognizes the importance and value of early childhood development and education on student achievement and success.
  • The Board oversees a systematic, budgeting process to ensure successful operation of our school.
  • The Board recognises that professional learning (Professional Development) opportunities are essential for all staff.
  • The foundation of organizational health and success is trust relationships – The Board commits to clear, open communication that builds personal and public confidence in the work we do with and for our learners.
  • Parents and the broader community are our partners in education – The Board ensures that they are given meaningful roles in helping to shape the educational experience provided to students.
  • We care deeply about the results of our work – that is evident when we seek to access and use credible information to develop plans, to measure progress and to inform decision-making​