Peggy Pesik

Hello, I’m Peggy Pesik.  I was born in Manado city, North Sulawesi.  And I graduated from the faculty of English Education at Universitas Klabat Airmadidi Manado.  Art is my passion. Before working at SBB, I was teaching Art lesson at Sekolah Citra Kasih Manado, a National Plus School by Ciputra.  I also taught English lesson at English Club Bali and SD GMIM 05 Manado. Now I teach Visual Art for Kindergarten, Elementary, and Middle School at Sekolah Buin Batu.  My inspiration always comes from the nature. I enjoy teaching and making handmade craft, painting, drawing, writing poetry, theater, song writing, digital editing and photography.  In my free time, I like swimming, traveling, exercise at the gym, reading books, and cooking. I believe as Pablo Picasso said that “Every child is an artist”.  Teaching is a calling to sharing and caring. As stated in the book of 1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Encourage one another and build each other up”.  And for me, learning is a lifetime activity. My goals is to encourage the students to love learning, to increase their creativity skill, and motivate them to be the best they can be.