Maria Suswanti Rahayu

Hello! I am Maria Suswanti Rahayu and people call me Rea. I’m from Malang but was born in Tulungagung, East Java.  I graduated from Malang University with a degree in English Literature and obtained certification as an early childhood educator through the government’s program. I am an early childhood educator with a passion for nurturing young minds. I have been teaching at Sekolah Buin Batu since 2005, a wonderful school dedicated to providing quality education for learners.
My journey in education began with a love for the early years. I’ve been fascinated by the wonder and curiosity that children bring to the world. It’s this passion that led me to pursue a career in early childhood education.
At Sekolah Buin Batu, I have the privilege of fostering a love for learning in my learners every day and creating fun and meaningful learning experiences that match the goals of Early childhood education. I believe in creating a nurturing and stimulating environment where children can explore, play, and discover at their own pace.
Outside of the classroom, I’m married and have 2 beautiful daughters.  I’m an avid nature lover and sports enthusiast. By spending time outdoors, it  not only enhances physical health but also gains more positive things. As a nature lover, working in the lush of Sumbawa’s jungle is a true blessing, with its amazing nature including trees and stunning beaches all around.
Overall, I’m dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of young children and helping them develop a strong foundation for lifelong learning. I’m thrilled to be part of the SBB family, where I can continue to inspire and empower the next generation.
In my philosophy of education, I  believe that education empowers us to shape and transform the world around us.