
Admission Policy

Status: New Version starting July 2024 Last revision: November 2024 Next Review: November 2026 Principles Sekolah Buin Batu (SBB) serves the children of employees, contractors or business partners of PT AMNT having residential facilities in the Townsite to the age of 3-17 years (“Staff Students”), or (b) children living off-site where either they or one …

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Our school does not believe that tutoring is a necessary practice for all of our students. If a child has difficulty succeeding in the program, the teacher will be pleased to discuss how he/she can provide extra support. All requests for tutors go through our SBB counselors In the case that the Home room teacher …

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Teacher – Code of Conduct

Code of Ethics for SBB Teachers All teachers are bound by a code of ethics based on the principles of equity, natural justice, and a strong commitment to caring relationships at all levels. All members of staff are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times when on the School campus and …

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Reporting to Parents

Effective communication between parents and teachers is essential to maximise the learning potential of students. There are a number of structures in place to facilitate regular communication between home and school. At SBB we encourage parents to contact school whenever there are concerns At Sekolah Buin Batu, assessment is an integral part of teaching and …

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Student – Code of Conduct

Rationales The school community recognizes that effective learning can only occur in a secure environment where the rights and responsibilities of others are known and respected and where standards and rules are fairly and consistently applied. Managing the Code of Conduct is a shared responsibility between the student, parents/guardians and the school. All students and …

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Digital Citizenship

SBB has a responsibility to teach our students to be effective digital citizens where they can use online resources with responsibility and respect. We need to ensure students are safe when they are using online resources. ACCEPTABLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY AND INTERNET Rationale Sekolah Buin Batu recognizes the value of the Internet as a powerful …

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Mobile Phones

Students Students are not allowed to have mobile phones while on school premises except where permission is given by teachers and the phone is used as part of a learning experience. Staff Staff may use their personal phones only during non-teaching or non-supervision times. This includes verbal and text use. Administrative staff is also held …

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Academic Integrity Policy

Status: New Version starting July 2024 Last revision: November 2024 Next Review: November 2026   Academic Integrity This academic integrity policy creates a culture of learning and provides clear direction to the whole school community about expected behaviour. This policy outlines the school’s commitment to the development of good practices and sound procedures and will …

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Healthy Eating Policy

Childhood obesity is a growing problem around the globe. It is known that maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle during childhood is the best way to prevent many future illnesses and diseases. In addition, research shows that students who eat well, receive enough sleep and are physically active, almost always learn better.   At Sekolah …

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Parent Payment Policy for School Excursions Purpose: The purpose

SBB Parent Payment Policy for School Excursions Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for parent contributions towards school excursions and sporting competitions ensuring equitable distribution of costs while providing opportunities for students to engage in valuable educational experiences beyond the classroom. Week Without Walls (WWW – High School and Middle School): …

Parent Payment Policy for School Excursions Purpose: The purpose Read More »