Ely Andriany Harun

Hi everyone! My name is Ely Andriany, you can call me Ely. I Come from Sumbawa  Besar.  I graduated from Psychology at the University of Ahmad Dahlan in Yogyakarta in the Magister of Psychology Department of Clinical Child and Adolescents. In SBB I am the Student Support Team member (SST). I have been working at SBB since 2013.  Before working at SBB, I worked at the Jogja Counseling Centre,  Internship in RSJD Soejarwadi,  Rumah Zakat and Provincial Social Service for Trauma Healing  Merapi eruption victims. I also had experience in working together with School Counselors of Budi Mulia Pandean Sari and Budi Mulia Panjen. I am married to Frayudiansyah, have one daughter and one son named Nabila Az-Zahra and Muhammad Zaqwan Rabbani.